3 Key Tips to Building an Authentic Community
What’s the big deal? Is it really that hard? Worth talking about? Worth teaching the next generation?
Think about YOUR community- your connections. Are you inspired and empowered by the people you spend time with? Are you inspiring and empowering others by being part of their community?
When I launched JodiSpeaksLIFE last year, my intention was to inspire and empower young women interested in pursuing and growing careers in the ag, equine, and animal health industries. Essentially, Building a Community.
That mission hasn’t changed. Phenomenal young women need phenomenal communities to mentor and champion one another.
Why? It doesn’t matter if you’re an introvert or an extrovert. It doesn’t matter your DiSC profile, your Clifton Strengths, your Enneagram, or your Working Genius. It doesn’t matter if you’re a Z, a Millennial, an X, or a Boomer. Your COMMUNITY matters.
Our WHO matters. As we climb and claw our way out of this disconnection and human energy crisis, we must remember that we are human BEINGS, not human doings. Who we are is more important than WHAT we do.
People are meant to laugh, love, dance, sing, and yes, cry and suffer too. We aren’t meant to do any of these things alone. Nor are we meant to figure it all out on our own.
There is a premium on soft skills in the job market right now; communication, collaboration, adaptability, and emotional intelligence. Let’s face it, these things don’t just ‘happen’ today like they did in years past. We cannot expect young people to develop these skills if they’re not learning them! These skills come with experiences, mentors, discussing real-world situations in a supportive COMMUNITY of champions.
I built a community with FFA, the Western Kentucky University Ag department, and the Equestrian team. Community can be harder to build as an adult, and it takes curiosity, intention, and gratitude. Since college, I’ve built a community with a Prayer & wine group, Book Clubs, Bible Studies, and now Ag Women Connect, and Boss Mare’s.
I’m sure you, like me, have found yourself in some pretty amazing opportunities, and some pretty awful situations. Every step of my journey can be linked to at least 1 person who was divinely placed in my life at the right time, in the right place. My community. It matters.
Your community affects every aspect of your life. It’s not the quantity in our community, it’s the quality of our community, build yours with intention!
3 tips on intentionally building your community, starting now!
- Be curious – be an enthusiastic student of life! Be more curious about other people in real life than you are on social media. Ask more questions, wherever you are!
- Comparison is the thief of joy. Curiosity combats comparisonitis.
- Be intentional – seek people out who interest you, people you admire, people who intimidate you! Connect with them, these are the people who will champion you.
- Without intentionality in where, how, and with whom we spend our time, we are wasting time being busy, rather than creating impact.
- Be grateful and giving. Praise often, be openly grateful and thankful to people for the time and energy they share and be GIVING of your time and energy to other people.
Treat others the way THEY want to be treated.
“Competition makes us faster, collaboration makes us better.”
If your team needs more collaboration, reach out today!
It’s not the quantity of your community – it’s the quality! 💜 And if you loved this article, make sure to check out the episode on community on the Thriving Equine Professional below!
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