“Be Yourself, Confidently.” Your authentic heart, hustle, and heroes.
“Be Yourself, confidently.” -Dr. Eleanor Green.
I recently heard someone say, “I have a personality that exudes confidence… but that doesn’t mean I’m confident.” I’m not sure the last time words smacked me upside the head quite that hard.
I’ve spent some time this past year asking myself, what happened to ME? What’s going on, where am I, and who am I? Y’all, I freakin’ LOVE LIFE. I love to share life, I love to inspire, laugh, throw a party, be the life of the party, dance, talk about changing the world, run wild and free and get shit done…
Smack. I hit a bit of a wall. Some might say I was out of alignment. Therefore, it was time to own it. I let my sparkle dull. I let my fire dim. I got a little too busy with the world’s idea of “what good looks like” and meanwhile I wasn’t prioritizing my time with the right circle, you know, the dreamers and the doers! The people who make me brighter and better, people I admire and respect. The circle with purpose, goals and vision. People who feel like sunshine, and fuel my fire.
I forgot to “Be Myself, Confidently!” Thanks for the reminder Dr. Green!
Who am I, TRULY AND AUTHENTICALLY? I am joyful Jodi! I am a child of the King, I’m here to do Kingdom things! I’m an above average wife (in my opinion), an awesome dog-mom, a speaker, coach, leader and inspirer! I’ve worked in animal health for 20 years, which is PART of who I am, but not WHO I am. I’m a curious adventurer. I’m a lover of food, a self-proclaimed meatitarian, aka, lover of all forms of red meat – from beef jerky to ribeye’s, and everything in-between. I am a master of surrounding myself with fabulous friends and I love to host family fun. I have pretty high standards and am not afraid to share them. I’m not everyone’s cup of tea, but if you like Tito’s I might be your kind of people.
That’s the beginning of WHO I am. I believe the most important part of WHO I am, is who are my people? THIS is what I live for. I live to tell the stories of my heroes and inspire you to find your heroes. These are the people in my life that I’m so damn sure God sent me on purpose, at the exact time, in the exact place to fuel me, raise me and grow me. I am IN AWE of the people I have in my life. I can’t wait to share some of my heroes with you. I’m on a mission to remind each of us that heroes are rarely on magazine covers or on the field in front of millions. Heroes are right beside us, every day – we know them. They’re speaking life into us. They’re teaching character by example. They’re saving us from ourselves. These are the stories I’ll tell. My heroes.
Cheers y’all,
Speaker of heart, hustle, heroes and life